This is historical data that may no longer be current.
Please visit the current roster here.

Browse By Name P-R
Pack, Norman R, C 10-59 B
Page, Charles N. K 01-62 B
Page, Merrill S. C 03-55 B
Palian, Armenag C 07-57 B
Pallazola, Joseph L. C 03-55 B
Palmer, Edward R, C 07-62 B
Palmer, Gerald L. C 07-62 B
Palmer, Mervin D. C 05-59 B
Pamment, Roger J. C 10-59 B
Pankratz, Robert L. K 04-61 B
Panos, James C 01-59 B
Parham, Ronald D. C 01-57 B
Paris, Leonard B. C 01-57 B Deceased October 11, 2018
Park, Russell M. C 05-58 B
Parker, Claude L., Jr. C 07-54 B
Parker, Donald W., Jr. C 10-61 B Deceased September 22 2018
Parker, Kenneth C 11-54 B
Parker, Kenneth C 10-60 I
Parker, Marvin W. C 10-63 B
Parker, Robert B. C 01-60 B
Parks, Gary F. C 07-63 B
Parks, Keith W. C 10-64 B
Parks, William E. C 07-64 B
Parlow, Norman H., Jr. C 03-53 B
Parlow, Norman H., Jr. C 04-58 I
Parrish, Lloyd G. C 07-54 B
Parrish, Lloyd G. C 04-58 B
Parrish, Marvin W. C 10-59 B
Parslow, David L. C 11-58 B
Pash, Russell A. C 07-59 B
Pasquall, Jerome D., Jr. C 10-59 B
Pasquarelli, James V., Jr. C 01-63 I
Pasquerelli, James V., Jr. C 11-58 B
Paterno, Ronald S. K 04-55 B
Patrick, Myron L. C 10-61 B
Patterson, Larry J. C 04-62 B
Patton, John B. C 07-62 B
Patton, John V. C 07-62 B
Paul, Lawrence C. C 01-58 B
Pauley, James E. C 07-53 B
Pauli, William R. C 07-51 B Deceased November 22, 2003
Paulin, Harold D., Jr. J 01-60 B
Paulson, Hubert O., Jr. C 07-63 B
Paulus, James K 04-60 B
Payha, Joseph M. C 07-62 B
Payne, Joseph A. C 07-56 B
Payne, Joseph A. C 04-63 I
Payne, Lawrence R. C 11-52 B
Payne, Ronald E. C 01-61 B
Payton, John L. C 10-64 B
Peak, James P. C 01-62 B
Pearce, David M. C 07-56 B
Pearlstein, Kenneth C. C 04-56 B
Pearlstein, Kenneth C. C 04-58 I
Pearson, Godfrey A. C 07-57 B
Peck, Bruce A. C 01-62 B
Peck, Richard R. C 07-57 B
Peeples, Bobby R. C 01-63 B
Pekkala, Ronald B. C 01-62 B
Pelletier, Bruce D. C 07-51 B
Pendleton, David H. C 07-55 B
Penick, John J. C 07-57 B
Penn, William H. C 04-61 B
Penrod, John P. K 10-60 B
Pentico, Arthur L. C 07-56 B
Pentico, Arthur L. C 04-60 I
Pentico, Arthur L. C 01-6? A
Perazzella, Francis W. C 10-55 B Deceased 02/10
Perazzella, Francis W. C 04-58 I
Pereira, Anthony M. C 02-55 B
Perkins, Fred W. C 11-58 B
Perkins, Jackson E. C 04-56 B Deceased 7/31/2018
Perley, Charles E. C 10-55 B
Perlini, Robert A. C 10-55 B
Perron, Ronald A. K 10-60 B
Perry, Darrell D. C 11-53 B
Perry, Donald P. K 07-62 B
Perry, John T. K 10-59 B
Peterson, James D. C 04-65 B
Peterson, Jay D. C 10-56 B
Peterson, John A. C 10-56 B
Peterson, John R. C 10-55 B
Peterson, Jon B. C 04-63 B E-Mail me
Peterson, Lonny H. C 11-58 B
Peterson, Milo J. K 10-59 B
Peterson, Walker N. C 07-55 B
Petrie, James E. C 01-59 B Deceased 1998
Petrie, James E. C 08-62 I
Pettegrew, Robert P. C 01-58 B
Petty, Charles E. C 10-60 B
Petty, Charles E. C 08-63 I
Pfeifer, William F. C 05-59 B
Pherigo, Ronald G. C 05-59 B
Phillips, Jimmie O. K 04-63 B
Phillips, Wade W. C 11-54 B
Phillips, Wade W. C 07-58 I
Phinney, Bruce W. C 10-62 B Deceased 2001
Phinney, Bruce W. C 01-65 I
Phoenix, Robert M. C 07-64 B
Pickering, Christopher T. C 05-59 B
Picton, Phillip L. C 07-63 B E-Mail me
Piekarski, Carl J. C 11-58 B
Pierce, Aldon L. K 01-62 B
Pierson, William O. C 07-57 B
Piffer, Louis W. C 07-60 B
Pike, Robert L. C 07-52 B
Pillsbury, Robert L. C 01-65 B
Piper, David W. C 04-60 B
Piston, Tomas P. K 07-62 B
Pitchford, Donald L. C 07-56 B
Pitchford, Donald L. C 10-60 I
Pitman, Vester R. C 01-58 B
Pitser, Wayne C 01-59 B
Pittman, Clyde R. C 05-59 B
Plank, Edward E. C 01-63 B
Plankey, William M. C 01-63 B
Plante, Guy G. C 07-57 B
Platt, Carroll A., Jr. C 07-63 B
Platt, Jerry Lee C 05-59 B
Plessinger, James E. C 04-57 B Deceased July 2013
Plourde, Robert L. C 01-58 B
Plumer, Henry R. C 01-61 B
Plunkett, Larry Unknown 10-60 Unknown Deceased 9/27/2006
Pluth, Bernard J. C 07-63 B
Plyler, Grady B. C 07-55 B
Plympton, Robert FG. C 10-56 B
Pocock, Charles W., Jr. C 07-57 B
Podolak, Joseph W. C 10-62 B
Poelman, James S. C 07-57 B
Poelman, James S. C 04-61 I
Poer, Donald G. C 04-61 B Deceased
Pogge, Wesley H. C 07-56 B
Poindexter, Benjamin J. C 05-58 B
Poirier, Raymond D. C 07-52 B
Polhamus, Thomas A. K 10-63 B
Polk, Roger G. C 09-57 B
Polley, Donald C. C 02-55 B
Pollock, Charles M., Jr. J 04-60 B
Pomeroy, Harold A., Jr. C 10-64 B
Pope, Francis H. C 11-54 B
Pope, William P. C 01-64 B
Popp, Harlan W. C 03-54 B
Porrino, Francis X. C 07-51 B
Porter, Edward A. C 07-52 B
Porter, John R. C 10-55 B
Post, Edward R. C 10-60 B
Poth,Matthew W. C 01-56 B
Potter, John K. C 07-54 B
Potts, John H. K 10-60 B
Potts, Thomas P. C 01-60 B
Poulson, Jack D. C 10-63 B
Pound, Pyron G., Jr. C 07-57 B
Povilaitis, Carl G. C 01-57 B Deceased
Povilaitis, Carl G. C 01-60 I
Powe, Cleophus A. C 01-57 B
Powell, Roger A. C 11-54 B
Powers, Richard H. C 01-56 B
Pratt, Galen A., Jr. C 10-63 B
Pratt, Steven P. C 10-61 B
Pratt. Steven P. C 04-65 I
Presslar, James W. C 10-60 B
Preston, Dallas D. C 09-57 B
Price, Frederick L. C 04-56 B
Price, William E. C 10-63 B
Pridgen, Grady C., Jr. C 01-59 B
Pridgeon, James H. C 05-59 B
Priest, Jerome L. C 01-61 B
Pritchard, John J. C 03-54 B
Proctor, William J. C 07-51 B
Prophet, Eugene, Jr. C 01-59 B
Pross, Frederick E. C 01-63 B
Proulk, Oliver J., Jr. C 11-58 B
Pruim, Robert J. C 10-62 B
Pruitt, Sudney Mack C 10-63 B
Pugmire, Robert C. C 03-55 B Deceased 2008
Pugmire, Robert C. C 03-59 I Deceased 2008
Pullen, Rowland C. J 04-60 B
Pulsifer, Richard A. C 07-54 B
Putney, William D. C 04-65 I
Putney,William D. C 11-58 B
Py, Raymond L. C 10-56 B
Quaintance, Bruce L. C 10-64 B
Quickel, Alberg L. C 10-64 B
Quigg, William W. C 09-51 B
Quigley, Gary R. K 10-60 B
Quinn, Fred D. C 10-55 B
Quinn, Robert M. C 03-54 B
Raciborski, Edward P. J 04-61 B
Rades, Ronald V. C 03-54 B
Radford, William R. C 11-54 B
Radler, Lawrence F. C 04-62 B
Radloff, James M. C 10-56 B
Radvansky, Joseph R. C 05-58 B
Rae, James C., Jr. J 04-61 B
Raether, Thomas C. C 01-57 B
Rambo, James Prentis C 10-63 B
Randall, Richard W. J 01-61 B
Randol William T. K 01-59 B
Rankin, Claude R. C 07-62 B
Rankin, Claude R. C 01-65 I
Ransford, Britton D. C 01-61 B
Ransom, Beverly H. C 09-51 B
Raper, Laurence L. C 05-58 B
Raper, Laurence L. C 01-61 I
Raske, Sylvanus R. C 04-60 B
Raulerson, Roger F. C 04-60 B
Ray, John R., III C 10-55 B
Rea, Chalmers F. K 10-61 B
Ready, Michael J. C 01-59 B
Redden, David L. C 01-56 B
Redfield, Harold W. C 07-57 B
Redgate, Michael C. C 07-53 B
Redman, David B. C 07-53 B
Redmond, Russell J. C 07-51 B
Reed, Thomas S. C 01-57 B
Rees, Jack Q. C 01-61 B
Reeser, Willis E. C 07-55 B
Regginello, Joseph J 07-60 B
Regnier, John M. C 10-61 B
Reichel, Emmet M. C 07-56 B Deceased
Reichel, Emmet M. C 07-59 I Deceased
Reichenback, Paul E. C 10-62 B
Reid, Johnstone N., Jr. C 10-61 B
Reid, Johnstone N., Jr. C 04-65 I
Reid, Richard L. C 10-60 B
Reif, Frederick G. C 04-57 B
Reiley, William H. C 01-63 B
Reilly, David J. C 10-55 B
Reilly, David J. C 03-59 I
Reilly, HowardF. C 07-57 B
Reilly, James A. C 10-56 B
Reinhard, Richard L C 10-56 B
Reinhardt, James L. C 04-56 B
Reinkober, James J. C 07-56 B
Reinoehl, Dennis C. C 04-64 B
Reiss, Edmund C. K 04-58 B
Remis, Stephen D. C 07-64 B
Remming, Kenneth L. C 01-58 B
Rentos, James C. C 07-63 B
Rericha, James A. C 07-56 B
Rew, Dennis W. C 07-64 B
Reymore, Harold E., Jr. C 10-55 B
Reymore, Harold E., Jr. C 04-58 B
Reynolds, Frank M. C 04-60 B
Reynolds, Guss A. C 09-56 B
Reynolds, Oris E. C 04-63 B
Rheault, Charles R. C 01-57 B
Rhoades, David L. C 07-63 B
Rhoades, Jerry S. C 01-58 B
Rhoades, Robert E. C 01-62 B
Rhoads, Robert M. J 01-60 B
Rhoads, Robert W. C 10-56 B
Rhude, Norman L. C 07-54 B
Rice, Arnold J. C 10-55 B
Rice, Garrett W. C 10-63 B
Rice, Giles P., Jr. C 01-60 B
Richard, Eugene W. C 07-56 B
Richardson, Charles L. C 07-54 B
Richardson, Keith E. C 07-63 B
Richardson, William F. C 10-69 B
Richardson, William R., Jr. C 04-57 B
Richie, Dean W. C 01-60 B
Richiski, David R. C 01-62 B
Richmond, Neil W. C 11-54 B
Richo, Frank T. C 10-64 B
Richter, Elver S. K 04-63 B
Ricker, Rolland D. C 10-56 B
Riddle, Donald K. C 01-62 B E-Mail me
Riecke, Robert R. C 04-61 B
Riedel, Richard R. C 01-62 B
Riehl, Theodore L., Jr. C 01-56 B
Ries, John E. C 10-64 B
Riggenbach, Frank K 09-56 B
Riggie, Edward J., Jr. C 01-59 B
Riggie, Edward J., Jr. C 10-61 I
Riggins, Thomas C 01-64 B
Riihimaki, RoyE. K 10-63 B
Riley, Richard T. C 07-61 B
Rinehart, Bryant G. J 07-53 B
Rinehart, Kenneth S. J 07-53 B
Rinehart, Ronald J. C 10-60 B
Ring, Jerome F. C 11-54 B E-Mail me
Ring, Jerome F. C 11-58 I
Ripley, Robert J. C 01-58 B
Ritter, George W. C 01-62 B
Ritter, Thomas C 11-54 B
Riutzel, Wendell K. J 07-61 B
Rivers, William J. J 01-61 B
Roach, Gerald L. C 10-63 B
Roady, Jimmy D. C 07-64 B
Robart, Kennety D. C 04-64 B
Roberson, William G. C 05-58 B
Roberts, Alfred E. C 10-55 B
Roberts, Bruce H. K 10-61 B
Roberts, James K. C 01-56 B
Roberts, John C 07-63 B
Robertson, Danny A. C 07-56 B
Robins, Daniel A. C 07-57 B
Robinson, James A. C 10-63 B
Robison, William L., Jr. C 09-57 B
Roby, Jerry L. C 09-58 B E-Mail me
Rock, Charles J. C 07-54 B
Roden, Emmett Norman K 07-62 B
Rodgers, Jimmie A. C 05-59 B
Rogers, Edward K. C 01-65 B
Rogers, Ronald L. C 11-52 B
Rogers, Stephen W., Jr. C 10-56 B
Rogers, Walter E. K 01-56 B
Rolfzen, Dale A. C 04-62 B
Rollins, Leon C 11-58 B
Roloff, Gordon G. C 09-57 B Deceased 2005
Romanowski, Ronald L. C 04-57 B
Romeo A. C 01-63 B
Romero, Benny C 07-54 B
Romero, Benny C 04-58 I
Roney, Philip M. C 04-63 B
Rooch, Melvin R. C 10-59 B
Roozenburg, Thomas A. C 03-53 B
Rosamond, Jimmie D. C 01-63 B
Rosbury, John L. K 01-56 B
Rosbury, John L. K 07-61 I
Roseen, Kermit A. C 04-56 B
Rosen, Marvin C 10-55 B
Rosenbaum, Darrell E. C 04-65 B
Rosenberg, Neil J. C 05-58 B
Ross, John P. C 04-61 B
Ross, Patrick C. C 11-51 B
Ross, Tom W. C 07-63 B
Rossi, Norman L. C 10-55 B
Rossier, Roy E. C 04-64 B
Roth, Bruce D. C 11-52 B
Roth, James J. C 10-63 B
Roth, Michael D. C 01-65 B
Rothchild, Saul L. J 04-61 B
Rotsaert, Lawrence P. C 10-59 B
Roush, Donald D. C 07-55 B
Roux, Charles P. C 07-63 B
Roux, Gerald J 07-61 B
Rowell, Robert M. K 04-55 B
Rowell, Ted L. J 09-57 B
Rowley, David M. C 01-64 B
Rowse, Thurman W. C 10-56 B
Roy, Gilbert W. C 10-55 B
Roy, Joseph J. P. C 07-52 B
Ruas, Franklin J 11-56 B
Ruben, Robert C 07-52 B
Rucki, Daniel F. C 07-57 B
Rude, Donald H. C 07-63 B
Rudolph, Richard K. C 10-55 B
Ruggeri, David L. C 10-59 B
Ruland, Michael J. C 04-62 B
Runnels, Gerald D. C 05-59 B
Runyan, Kenneth R. C 05-59 B
Russell, Donald G. C 10-59 B
Russell, John R. C 01-60 B
Rutledge, Robert Danny C 01-61 B
Rutter, Thomas B. C 11-54 B
Ryan, Gordon W., Jr. C 07-61 B
Ryan, Richard E. C 07-52 B