This is historical data that may no longer be current.
Please visit the current roster here.

Browse  By Name   A thru C
Aamoth, Larry W. C 04-63 B
Abair, Arthur, P C 07-55 B
Abbate, Donald C 10-61 B
Abel, Clifford M. Jr. C 07-64 B
Abrams, Alan R. C 07-64 B
Abshier, Thomas C. C 04-56 B
Achnick, Bruce W. K 07-59 B
Ackerman, Frederick D. C 01-56 B
Ackerman, Frederick D. C 04-58 I
Acton, James J. C 01-59 B Deceased 2015-08-25
Adams, Edward J. C 02-55 B
Adams, Harrison L. J 10-58 B
Adams, Harry B. C 01-57 B
Adams, Paul B. C 07-57 B
Agar, Robert L. C 10-62 B E-Mail me
Agee, Joseph R. Jr. J 07-61 B
Ahn, Harry H. B. C 01-56 B
Aiken, Leroy P. C 03-55 B
Alamares, Justin L. K 07-54 B
Alba, Ronald C 10-64 B
Alcorn, Robert L. K 01-60 B
Aldrich, John R. K 07-61 B
Aldrich, William H. III C 01-60 B
Aldridge, Milton E, C 07-57 B
Alexander, Richard B. III C 07-56 B
Alldredge, Richard D; C 10-56 B
Allen, Altho A. Jr. C 01-64 I
Allen, Altho A. Jr. C 04-61 B Deceased Sept 2012
Allen, Edward R. K 04-55 B
Allen, Lawrence L. K 07-53 B
Allen, Robert M. C 07-59 B
Allen, Thomas F. C 01-56 B
Allen, Wesley D. C 04-63 B
Allen, William A. C 01-56 B Deceased Aug 2014
Allen, William A. C 07-58 I Deceased Aug 2014
Allen, William A. C 01-61 A Deceased Aug 2014
Alley, James C. K 10-62 B
Allington, Thomas D. C 07-61 B
Allison, Donald E. C 10-62 B
Allred, Golden H. C 07-51 B
Almquist, Donald R. C 07-62 B
Alsop, Allen P. C 01-60 B
Altamirano, Arnold Jr. C 01-60 B
Ambrose, Gene E. C 10-60 B
Amon, Ronald R. C 01-59 B
Amon, Ronald R. C 07-61 A
Amt, Martin P. C 11-53 B
Anderson, Bruse E. C 11-58 B
Anderson, Charles E. C 09-51 B
Anderson, Edward B. C 07-64 B
Anderson, Gary T. C 07-61 B
Anderson, Jerry W. C 04-57 B
Anderson, Peter L. C 10-55 B
Anderson, Robert E. K 07-59 B
Andrews, Mark E. C 01-57 B
Andrews. Mark E. C 10-60 I
Andrien, Thomas A. C 03-53 B
Andruch, Gordon R. C 03-55 B
Andrus, Robert G. C 10-56 B
Annenberg, Robert B. J 01-60 B
Anno, James G. K 10-60 B
Anthony, Thomas S. C 07-57 B
Antkowiak, Peter E. C 01-58 B
Antonielli, Vincent V. J 07-62 B
Anzo, Peter I 10-52 B
Armstrong, William D. C 10-64 B
Arneman, Thomas W. C 04-63 B
Arnold, Douglas A. K 01-60 B
Arnold, Gerald M. C 07-57 B
Arnold, James L. J 07-53 B
Arnold, Jay C 01-59 B
Arnold, Jerry H. C 07-62 B Deceased Mar 2014
Arnold, Robert J K 07-62 B
Arnold, Ross D. C 10-61 B
Aronowitz, Dennis S. C 07-51 B
Aronson, Joel B. C 04-57 B
Aronson, Joel B. C 07-59 I
Arterburn, Carl L. C 11-58 B
Arterburn, Carl L. C 10-60 I
Artie, John R. C 10-55 B
Artman, Harry O. C 10-60 B
Artman, Michael C. C 10-64 B
Ashe, James G. C 01-56 B
Ashwell, David B. C 07-62 B Deceased ca. 1972
Askew, Robert N. C 09-57 B
Astor, Wally G. C 10-56 B
Astor, Wally G. C 10-61 I
Atherton, William D. C 04-57 B
Aue, Terry D. C 01-62 B
Auger, Eugene R. C 01-58 B
Aust, Erich J. C 01-59 B
Austin, Loren D. C 04-65 B
Averill, Carl F. C 10-61 B
Awl, James N. C 09-58 B
Ayers, Gary W. C 07-64 B
Ayers, James E. C 04-56 B
Azar, Donald A. C 11-58 B
Babcock, Glenn A. C 07-55 B
Babiak, Thomas C. C 01-63 B
Babjack, Brandon T. C 10-60 B
Bailey, Glenn J. C 07-51 B
Bailey, Thomas J. C 01-59 B
Bajorek, Louis, W C 10-62 B
Baker, Donald R. C 10-55 B
Baker, Donald R. C 11-58 I
Baker, Donald T. C 07-64 B
Baker, George W, Jr. C 07-59 B
Baker, Harry W. K 10-62 B
Baker, Louis E. C 07-57 B
Baker, Michael W. C 01-63 B
Baker, Philip A. C 07-53 B
Baker, Robert F. C 09-58 B
Baker, Rodney L. C 01-60 B
Baker, William A. C 07-61 B Decased 2005
Baldwin, Robert E. K 07-54 B
Ballinger, Denny L. C 01-65 B
Ballou, Brice F. C 04-56 B
Balotin, Max L. C 01-65 B
Balzer, Bruce M. C 04-57 B
Bamman, Haley P. K 10-62 B
Bancerowski, Alexander F. C 07-61 B
Banda, Joe Jr. C 10-64 B
Banks, Stephen P. C 04-62 B
Banks, Wendell P. B. K 09-59 B
Banta, Hugh V. C 03-55 B
Barber, John L, Jr. C 07-59 B
Barbier, Walter A. C 04-65 B
Barham, Billy G. K 10-60 B
Barkley, Alan T. C 10-60 B
Barkley, William D. C 05-58 B
Barnard, Lee C. C 07-62 B
Barnes, John K. C 04-56 B
Barnett, David G. K 01-61 B
Barney, Garry L.. C 11-53 B
Barney, John E. C 07-52 B
Barr, Bruce E. C 04-60 B
Barr, Gerald L. C 05-59 B
Barrett, Noel A. C 09-58 B
Bartel, Harry C. J 08-56 B
Bartels, Jack M. C 10-56 B
Bartin, Robert E. C 01-58 B Deceased
Bartin, Robert E. C 01-61 I
Bartin, Robert E. C 04-63 A
Barto, John A. III C 05-59 B
Barton, Harry W. C 01-65 B
Bassett, Robert E. C 01-59 B
Bassler, Claude A. C 07-57 B
Bates, Merrill, Jr. C 01-63 B
Bates, Walter S. C 07-64 B
Batten, Johnnie W. C 07-63 B
Bauer, Edmund A. C 01-60 B
Baugher, Phillip G. C 07-64 B
Baum, Harold R. C 07-56 B
Baxter, Peter C. C 09-57 B
Baxter, Ralph A. Jr. C 01-63 B
Bays, Don F. C 04-62 B
Beall, Ray M. K 01-60 B
Beaman, Thomas G. C 01-61 B
Beans, Larry B. C 03-55 B
Bearden, Milton A. C 01-59 B
Bearrentine, Bruce R, K 10-63 B
Beatin, Henry M. C 01-57 B
Beaudoin, Robert E. C 10-60 B
Beaudry, Robert B. C 04-61 B
Beauregard, Walter J. C 10-55 B
Beauvais, Earnest E. C 07-55 B
Beavers, Harold R. C 07-56 B
Beck, Robert W. C 01-64 B
Beck, Robert W. K 01-60 B
Becker. Solomon C. C 03-55 B
Beckley, Lawrence V. C 10-56 B
Beckman, Anthony F. C 07-57 B
Beddow, Harrison R. Jr. K 01-56 B
Bejcek, Charles R. C 07-60 B
Beliveau, Roger J. C 01-59 B
Bell, James S. C 07-62 B
Bell, Phillip A. C 05-59 B
Bell, Terry J. C 01-59 B
Bellamy, Clair J. C 07-52 B
Bellstein, Doyle E. C 07-63 B
Bellury, Reginald L. C 04-61 B
Bendt, William P. K 01-58 B
Benjamin, Darrell F. C 11-58 B
Benner, Thomas H. C 07-64 B
Bennett, Gordon A. K 10-59 B
Bennington, Larry L. C 11-58 I
Bennington, Larry L. C 10-55 B
Benoit, Roland L. C 04-57 B
Benson, Eric J. C 09-57 B
Berger, Eugene A. Jr. C 07-57 B
Berger, Robert L. Jr. C 07-61 B
Bergland, James H. C 10-63 B
Berglund, David T. Jr. C 01-58 I
Berglund, David T. Jr. C 04-62 A
Berglund, David T. Jr. C 01-56 B
Berman, Leonard P. C 07-52 B
Bernard, Andre M. C 07-63 B
Bernard, Raymond J. C 01-64 B
Bernhard, William A. K 01-60 B
Bernhardt, Baltassar K 07-54 B
Berns, Thomas E. C 04.57 B
Bernstein, Richard K. C 09-57 B Deceased 1972
Beroud, Paul A. C 11-51 B
Berra, Robert A. C 07-52 B
Berry, Lewis E. J 07-53 B
Berschig, Scott C. C 07-64 B
Berthel, William R. C 07-57 B
Bertke, Valerius B. C 03-55 B Deceased
Bertke, Valerius B. C 04-60 I
Best, Blaine A. C 07-51 B
Best, Donald R. C 07-57 B
Beth, Thomas G. C 04.64 B
Bevens, James W. C 10-62 B
Bicha, Jon T. K 04-60 B
Biddle, Robert L. C 07-56 B
Bieber, Richard L. C 04-56 B
Bierman, John E. C 03-55 B
Biggs, Charles C. C 01-60 B
Bingham, Gregory L. C 10-61 B
Binkley, Paul G. K 04-61 B
Birdsong, William M. K 04-63 B
Birney, James A. K 07-60 B
Biron, James L. C 05-58 B
Bischel, Franklin H. C 04-57 B
Bishoff, James S. C 04-63 B
Bishop, Thomas F. C 05-58 B
Bissett, Kenneth P. C 04-65 B E-Mail me
Bittorf, Otis E. C 04-56 B
Bizjack, Jack E. C 09-57 B Deceased
Black, Edward H. Jr. C 10-62 B
Black, Kermit S. Jr. C 07-63 B
Black, Terry R. C 04-62 B
Blackaby, Raymond E. Jr. C 07-64 B
Blackburn, Gary B. C 07-61 B
Blackwood, Robert G. C 04-57 B
Blair, Craig S. C 01-64 B
Blair, Theodore I. C 07-56 B
Blake, James R. K 04-61 B
Blanchard, John M. C 07-57 B
Blanchfield, William A. C 07-62 B
Bland, William P. K 10-60 B
Blaney, Robert A. J 07-60 B
Blauvelt, Roger M. C 10-63 B
Bledsoe, Charles F. C 07-56 B
Blinn, William C. Jr. C 10-60 B
Blizzard, William H. J 09-57 B
Bloedow, Alvin F. C 01-63 B
Blough, John A. C 11-51 B
Blunda, Anthony J. C 04-56 B Deceased 10/8/2017
Bocook, Charles R. Jr. C 10-59 B
Bodnar, Peter P. C 10-64 B
Bodvin, Leo H. C 11-58 B
Boerschig, Dale W. C 03-54 B
Bofinger, Paul C. C 01-57 B
Bogart, Richard C. C 01-61 B
Boggs, Earl L. C 11-58 B
Bogue, Charles M. C 09-57 B
Bohannon, Edwin G. Jr. C 07-61 B
Bohannon, Gary E. C 01-65 B
Bohannon, Roy L. C 07-57 B
Bohl, Elmer A. C 07-51 B
Bohn, James J. C 04-60 B E-Mail me
Bolin, Roger H. C 09-58 B
Bonsac, Francis L. Jr. J 04-60 B
Bookstaver James R. C 11-54 B
Boone, Robert H. C 04-65 B
Borders, William F. Jr. C 04-57 B
Borelia, Robert A. C 01-56 B
Borstad, Orville M. C 07-57 B Deceased
Bossi, Roger E. C 11-53 B
Botello, Jose C 07-56 B
Botschen Jay A. C 01-63 I
Botschen Jay A. C 11-54 B
Bourassa, Rodney G. C 04-56 B
Bourgerie, Terry R. C 04-56 B
Bowden, Philip L. C 07-52 B
Bowen, Joseph R. C 01-60 B
Bowman, Glenn A. C 07-63 B
Bowman, Joseph R. C 07-62 B
Bowman, Norman R. C 07-54 B Deceased
Bowman, Norman R. C 04-61 I
Bowman, William F. C 10-63 B Deceased
Boyd, George L. C 07-63 B
Boyer, Earl L. C 07-54 B
Boylan, Roy W. C 01-57 B
Boyle, James E. K 04-58 B
Bozarth, Clifton E. C 09-57 B Deceased Feb 2012
Braddy, August C. K 10-61 B
Bradish, Peter K. K 04-60 B
Bradley, Peter J. C 07-59 B
Brady, Kirk P. K 07-53 B
Brandmeyer, Wallace K. C 11-53 B
Branstetter, Lyle R. I 10-52 B
Breis, Frederick L. K 07-59 B
Brem, Allan E. Jr. C 10-61 B
Brennan, Vaughn C. C 03-53 B
Brenner, Frederick M. C 03-53 B
Bresnaham, Edward S. C 07-52 B
Bretz, Melvin K. C 09-57 B Deceased 2006
Breunig, William P. C 07-64 B
Breveleri, Albert I. C 05-59 B
Brewer, Donald E. K 10-60 B
Brewer, Ernest R. Jr. J 07-53 B
Brewer, Robert M. J 06-56 B
Brewster, Jon J. K 10-61 B
Briggs, Terry J. C 04-64 B
Brightbill, Royal A. C 07-59 B
Brightbill, Royal A. C 04-62 I
Brightwell, Tommy L. C 07-57 B
Brimacombe, James R. C 07-54 B Deceased 2013-03-01
Britton, Michael L. C 04-65 B
Broadway, James M. K 10-61 B
Broadwell, James G. C 10-63 B
Brock, Allen C. C 07-62 B
Broderick, Thomas F. J 04-59 B
Bromley, Robert D. K 04-61 B
Brookbank, William H. Jr. K 01-60 B
Brooks, Bobby J. C 09-57 B
Brooks, Phillips V. C 04-56 B
Brooks, William L. C 11-58 B
Brosh, Charles L. C 01-63 B
Brosowske, Dennis L. C 10-56 B
Brotton, Charles M. K 10-60 B
Brotzman, Robert L. C 10-56 B
Brown, Allen G. C 11-54 B
Brown, Dennis W. C 11-53 B
Brown, Donald A. C 04-56 B
Brown, Donald E. C 11-58 B
Brown, Donald E. C 07-61 A
Brown, Douglas H. C 10-60 B
Brown, Douglas L. C 10-60 B
Brown, Douglas L. C 01-64 I
Brown, Gary N. C 04-64 B
Brown, James L. C 10-64 B
Brown, Jerry F. C 04-61 B Deceased June 2016
Brown, Philip T. C 07-52 B
Brown, Richard L. C 07-51 B
Brown, Rolland P. C 07-57 B
Brown, Ronald E. C 10-56 B
Brown, Roy J. III C 04-63 B
Brown, Wendell L. C 07-61 B
Brown, William H. C 07-51 B
Browne, Albert T. C 01-60 B
Browne, David R. C 11-58 B
Bruce, Darwin R. J 01-60 B
Bruk, George D. C 01-59 B
Bruner, Edmond J. K 10-63 B
Bruney, David L. C 11-54 B Deceased
Brunkhardt, Vincent T. C 04-60 I
Brunkhardt, Vincent T. C 03-54 B
Brunt, Dean R. C 01-61 A
Brunt, Dean R. C 10-55 B
Brunt, Dean R. C 07-58 I
Bruscemi, John N. C 04-57 B
Brusso, Richard L. C 03-55 B
Brutto, Jerome W. C 07-63 B
Bruzda, Thomas L. C 04-61 B
Bryant, William C. C 07-61 B
Bryant, William T. C 07-51 B
Bryder, Paul W. C 11-55 B
Bryson, Charles H. C 05-59 B
Bublitz, Neil G. C 07-57 B Deceased
Buchanan, James W. C 04-65 B
Buchholtz, LeRoy G. C 07-56 B
Buck, Franklin J. Jr. C 10-59 I
Buck, Franklin J. Jr. C 10-55 B
Buckley, Michael J. C 01-62 B
Budge, William C. III C 10-56 B
Bufalini, Anthony D. J 05-56 B
Bunner, Charles K. C 07-61 B
Bunting, Barry W. C 07-57 B
Buote, Edward L. C 07-52 B
Burgess, Roger E. Jr. C 07-64 B Deceased March2009
Burke, Dennis E. C 10-64 B
Burke, Edward Jr. C 07-57 B
Burke, James R. C 01-56 B
Burkett, Burton O. Jr. C 05-59 B
Burkharts-Meier, George B. C 01-57 B
Burleson, Donald R. C 10-62 B
Burns, John A. C 01-56 B
Burns, Michael A. C 07-59 B
Burris, Edward S. C 01-56 B
Burris, Thomas E. C 09-58 B
Burrows, Melvyn J. C 07-55 B
Buswell, Lyle W. C 10-56 B
Butts, James L. K 01-56 B
Buxton, Barrie A. C 04-62 B
Byars, Henry W. C 10-60 B
Cabbell, Paul R. C 10-60 B
Cable, Donald G. C 05-58 B
Cabral, Dennis L. C 01-61 B
Cabral, Duarte D. C 01-65 I
Cabral, Duarte D. C 07-61 B
Cafferty, William H. C 01-56 B
Cafferty, William H. C 04-63 I
Cage, Luther E. J 01-61 B
Cahill, George R. E. C 10-61 B
Cahill, George R. E. C 04-65 I
Caird, James A. C 07-63 B
Calabrese, Anthony F. C 04-61 B
Caldeen, Phillip K. C 09-57 B
Calderon, Jose Jr. C 01-60 B
Caldwell, James T. C 05-59 B
Callahan, Edwin C 05-59 B
Callahan, Francis X. C 07-51 B
Callahan, John B. C 01-56 B Deceased
Callahan, John B. C 07-58 I Deceased
Callahan, Thomas W. C 07-56 B
Calnon, Joseph F. C 04-57 B
Camilio, Raymond C 01-56 B
Camilleri, Joseph A. Jr. C 09-51 B
Campbell, Carl E. C 07-52 B
Campbell, George A. Jr. C 07-51 B
Campbell, Harold W. C 04-61 B
Campbell, Orville J 07-62 B
Campbell, Robert A. C 07-61 B
Campbell, Robert A. C 10-61 B
Campbell, Ronald K. C 04-64 B
Cano, Lucio N. C 01-60 B
Cantalupo, John T. C 03-55 B
Capelle, Donald D. C 09-51 B
Capozio, Nicholas C. C 10-59 B
Carboni, Renato F. Jr. K 09-59 B
Carey, Donald F. C 01-56 B
Carey, Donald F. C 07-58 I
Cargill, Harris B. C 11-54 B
Carlisle, Homer R. J 07-53 B
Carlisle, John W. J 01-60 B
Carlisle, Stephen C. C 04-61 B
Carlson, John E. C 10-60 B
Carlson, Richard E. C 01-63 B
Carman, John W. C 05-58 B
Carnahan, Rodney E. C 10-64 B
Carnes, David H. C 01-61 B
Carnes, Roger C. C 11-54 B
Carothers, James F. C 01-60 B
Carpenter, George R. C 03-54 B
Carpenter, Kirk C 10-62 B
Carpenter, Thomas P. C 01-65 B
Carpenti, Arthur J. C 07-54 B
Carr, Charles C. K 07-59 B
Carr, Charles C. C 01-62 B
Carr, Dana C. C 07-64 B
Carrillo, Macario D. C 05-58 B E-Mail me
Carrillo, Marcio D. C 07-60 I
Carroll, Larry E. C 10-60 B
Carroll, Walter F. C 04-65 B
Carron, James M. C 01-59 B
Carron, James M C 01-64 I
Carter, Gerald E. C 01-64 B
Cartwright, Donald J. J 05-56 B
Case, Ronald C C 01-59 B
Casey, Francis M. J 10-59 B
Casey, Thomas L. K 07-59 B
E-Mail me
Cassady, Robert E. B 03-53 B
Castle, Francis M. C 11-58 B
Caswell, Steven H. C 07-59 B
Caton, John A. J 01-61 B
Causey, James F. II C 10-62 B
Cavanaugh, Clinton F. C 07-61 B
Cawthon, George E. C 05-59 B
Chabot, Joseph L. P. C 07-53 B
Chalifoux, Joel D. C 01-64 B
Chalk, Robert A. C 01-56 B
Chamberlaine, Herbert L. J 07-60 B
Chambers, Robert W. C 11-58 B
Champagne, Albert K. K 01-61 B
Champoux, Joesph E. K 04-58 B
Chan, Raymond C 09-51 B
Chance, William D. C 07-62 B
Chandler, Gail E. C 07-53 B
Chandler, Ronald L. C 09-57 B
Chang, James M. K 07-53 B
Channell, Richard B. C 11-58 B
Chapman, Richard W. K 04-60 B
Chapman, Shorey H. C 05-59 B
Charette, Gerald R. C 07-52 B
Charlebois, Roland J. C 11-51 B
Chase, James M. C 09-58 B
Chavez, Filiberto A. C 07-62 B
Chenette, Rudolph L. C 11-54 B
Chernetsky, Joseph Jr. C 09-57 B
Chew, Donald L C 10-56 B
Childress, William F. C 10-55 B
Chreitzberg, Charles H. Jr. C 09-58 B
Chrisman, Michael J. C 07-63 B
Christensen, Roger D. K 01-56 B
Christian, Elliott R. C 07-57 B
Christie, Leo A. Jr. C 01-65 B
Christman, Fred E. C 10-56 B
Christopher, Gene P. C 11-52 B
Chrysler, Keith K 07-61 B
Church, Marvin L. C 04-65 B
Ciaccia, John C. C 07-64 B
Cikoski, John S. C 01-59 B
Cimaglia, Egidio E. Jr, C 07-54 B Deceased
Cirillo, Nolan F. C 10-59 B
Cirillo, Nolan F. C 08-63 I
Clark, Charence W. Jr. C 07-54 B
Clark, James M. Jr. C 05-59 B
Clark, Kenneth A. C 10-59 B
Clark, Lee I. C 09-51 B
Clark, Monte C. K 07-54 B
Clark, Nathanial C 10-59 B
Clark, Stanley E. K 10-60 B
Clark, Thomas A. C 07-64 B
Clark, Walter M. III C 09-57 B
Clark, William M. C 10-61 B
Clarke, Donald D. K 01-60 B
Clarke, Peter J. C 07-51 B
Clarke, Terrence M. C 01-58 B
Clarkson, Jack E. C 07-52 B
Clayton, Robert J. C 07-52 B
Cleary, Thomas J. Jr. C 10-55 B
Clemenson, James T. C 10-63 B
Clemmons, Richard R. C 05-59 B
Cleveland, Perry R. C 04-62 B
Clifford, John C 01-56 B
Cliggott, Edward D. C 11-52 B
Clingman, Palmer B. C 07-53 B
Clinkscales, Thomas C. C 03-55 B
Clinkscales, Thomas C. C 07-58 I
Clinton, Henry M. K 01-63 I
Clinton, Henry M. K 10-60 B
Clipson, Charles R. K 07-61 B
Clisham, William F. Jr. K 04-59 B
Clouse, James B. C 09-51 B
Clowers, Gail A. C 04-56 B
Clubb, Gary B. C 10-63 B
Cluff, LeRoy M. C 10-61 B
Clyde, James W. Jr. C 01-56 B
Clymer, Jack W. C 07-56 B
Coakley, Barry S. K 10-60 B
Coates, William J. Jr. K 04-60 B
Colbert, Francis R. C 02-55 B
Cole, Francis J. JR. C 01-56 B
Cole, Frederick B. Jr. C 11-52 B
Cole, James A. C 07-53 B
Colebourn, Donald G. K 04-58 B
Coleman, Frank M. K 04-61 B
Coleman, John L. J 09-57 B
Colle, John L. C 09-57 B
Coller, Charles A. C 01-60 B E-Mail me
Collins, Donald R.H. J 02-56 B
Collins, Frederick A. III C 10-62 B
Collins, John S. C 10-64 B
Collins, Ora Jr. K 01-56 B
Collins, Richard A. C 04-64 B
Collins, William J. C 01-64 B
Collopy, Thomas D. C 04-65 B
Colman, Charles K. J 07-60 B
Colman, David F. C 01-58 B
Colvin, William G. C 07-56 B
Comb, Harold K 07-53 B
Comolli, Mario C. C 03-54 B
Comstock, John L. C 07-55 B
Conaway, James A. C 09-57 B
Codon Michael C 10-60 B
Conklin, Dennis J. C 04-57 B E-Mail me
Conklin, Hugh W. C 07-53 B
Conklin, Joseph G.R. C 01-63 B
Conley, Jack M. C 10-62 B
Connally, William H. C 04-57 B Deceased 2013
Connally, William H. C 04-62 A Deceased 2013
Connally, William H. C 05-59 I Deceased 2013
Connor, David R., Jr. C 04-64 B
Connor, William F. C 03-54 B Deceased 1956
Connors, Henry Neal C 11-52 B Deceased
Contreras, Henry, Jr. C 07-61 B
Conway, Jerry Ricahrd K 04-55 B
Cook, John A., Jr. C 07-61 B
Cook, Joseph J. C 05-58 B
Cook, Michael Francis C 10-62 B
Cooke, Joseph T. C 09-52 B
Cooley, Leland H., II K 10-63 B
Coomer, John T. C 01-56 B
Coomer, John T. C 01-58 I
Cooney, Edward P, Jr. C 04-56 B
Cooper, Archibald P. C 01-61 B
Cooper, Carl Alvin C 10-63 B
Cooper, Donald W. C 01-58 B
Cooper, Earl R. C 04-61 B
Cooper, Neal B. C 04-64 B
Cooper, Patrick K., Jr. C 07-56 B
Copeland, Robert D. C 04-64 B
Coppola, Frank J. I 10-52 B
Corbett, David S. C 11-52 B
Corbett, Donald M. K 07-59 B
Corcoran, James F. K 07-60 B
Corder, Donald E. C 09-58 B
Corder, Donald E. C 04-62 I
Cordery, Albert C. C 10-55 B
Cordes, Robert A. C 07-60 B
Corey, David R. C 10-61 B
Cork, Robert E. C 10-60 B
Cornell, William G. C 04-63 B
Corrado, John J. C 11-58 B
Corrado, John J. C 01-64 I
Correira, Joseph F. C 07-63 B
Corriveau, Andre J. C 10-64 B
Costello, Michael L. C 01-64 B
Cottingham, Gayle B. C 04-62 B
Couchman, Henry J. C 09-57 B
Coughlin, David O. C 05-58 B
Coulson, Robert Lynd. C 01-60 I Deceased 2014-10-18
Coulson, Robert L. C 01-57 B Deceased 2014-10-18
Coulter, Robert J 07-59 B
Couming, Bernard J. C 10-55 B
Counihan, Walter E. C 01-57 B
Coursey, James E. C 10-63 B
Couture, Francis E., Jr. C 11-53 B
Cowles, Authur H. K 01-62 B
Cox, Joseph W. C 07-61 B
Coy, Howard L. C 10-64 B
Coyazo, Raymond E. K 04-61 B
Coyle, Thomas E. C 01-62 B
Cozine, Michael R. C 10-64 B
Craig, Douglas C 07-64 B
Craig, Laurence B, Jr. C 07-61 B
Craig, Roy A. C 01-59 B
Craig, William A. C 07-63 B
Crane, Billie R. C 04-63 B
Craven, Paul L. C 01-58 B
Craven, Warren G., Jr. C 01-63 B
Crawford, Ronald B. C 07-52 B Deceased
Crawford, William E. C 11-58 B
Cresente, Robert J. C 05-59 B
Crim, Edwin N. (USN) C 10-56 B
Cripe, Richard A., Jr. C 10-62 B
Croak, John D. C 01-58 B
Crosley, LeRoy J 07-60 B
Cross, Charles F. K 04-58 B
Cross, Everard E., Jr. C 03-53 B
Cross, Russell H., Jr. C 07-63 B
Crossman, Lawrence S. C 10-62 B
Crouch, George N. C 04-63 B
Crouch, Richard L. J 11-56 B
Crowe, Ronald E. C 01-58 B
Crowe, Ronald E. C 07-60 I
Crozier, William E. C 04-56 B
Crum, stephen F. C 04-62 B
Crum, Thomas G C 03-55 B
Cruz, Tom D., Jr. I 10-52 B
Cubbon, Andrew J. C 01-63 B
Culkowski, Vladimir W. K 04-61 B E-Mail me
Cummings, Joseph E. K 04-59 B
Cunneen, Aurthur J. C 10-62 B
Cunningham, Eugene G C 07-61 A
Cunningham, Eugene G. C 11-58 B
Currie, William S. Jr. C 06-52 B
Curtis, Alan B. C 11-58 B
Curtis, Bill S. K 01-56 B
Curtis, Donald E. C 01-58 B
Cusick, Regis F., III C 07-62 B E-Mail me
Cutler, Cameron I. C 04-56 B
Cymbar, Edward S. J 01-55 B
Cypher, David E. C 05-58 B
Cyr, Richard N. K 04-63 B
Czerwonka, Donald W. C 10-56 B